Tuesday, August 31, 2010

bedtime stories

let's be honest. some of us don't know hebrew because we never studied it and others have studied it but still don't know it.  regardless, the jewess tongue should speak the holy language lavishly, so let's start at the beginning. i mean, who wouldn't enjoy prancing around the plaza with an israeli style eloise. and if she lets, maybe you'll even follow her along to paris (you may need your dictionary for this one).   just take your favorite childhood book and see if there's a hebrew edition available. many, including good night moon and the giving tree, are available at amazon.com.  but even more are out there, so just keep googling. just don't jump into the hebrew harry potter.  be forewarned, you will have to decipher the hebrew from the wizard language (in hebrew) - not so simple for a muggle!  

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